University of Cambridge
At Cambridge, I have taught eight papers of the Philosophy Tripos, through 1-on-1 tutorials, seminars, and lectures. I have supervised ten extended essays (4,000 words) and an bachelor thesis (8,000 words).
Theoretical Philosophy
IB Knowledge, Language, World (2nd year), LT21, MT21
topics: nature of knowledge, scepticism, logical form, truth, modality
format: tutorial
IA Formal Methods (1st year), MT19
topics: truth-functional logic, first-order predicate logic, set theory
format: seminar
IA Discussion Group (1st year), MT19/20, LT21
topics: Descartes’s Meditations and Hume’s Enquiry
format: seminar
Kantian Philosophy
II Kant’s Ethics (3rd year), LT22
topics: Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals
formats: lecture series (designed from scratch), dissertation
II European Philosophy from Kant (3rd year), LT21/24
topics: Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, Hegel’s Phenomenology
formats: tutorial, extended essays
Practical Philosophy
II Ethics (3rd year), MT21, LT21/22
topics: population ethics, moral epistemology, acting from duty, trust
formats: tutorial, extended essays supervi
IB Ethics (2nd year), MT20/21, LT21/22
topics: consent, promise, early modern, practical reasoning
formats: seminar, tutorial, extended essays
IA Ethics and Political Philosophy (1st year), MT21, LT22
topics: consequentialism, deontology, equality of opportunity
formats: tutorial, extended essays
of Berlin
As a student assistant at the Humboldt-University, I have taught several undergraduate tutorials, each expanding on the material of a corresponding lecture. Tutorials typically span twelve weeks and involve groups ranging from five to twenty students.
Kant’s Theoretical Philosophy (undergraduate), SS17
topics: Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason (Aesthetic and Analytic)
format: tutorial
Introduction to Philosophy (undergraduate), WS16/17
topics: metaphyiscs, epistemology, (meta-)ethics, philosophy of mind
format: tutorial
Plato’s Philosophy of Language (undergraduate), SS16
topics: Plato’s Kratylos, Theaitetos, and Sophistes; plus Frege and Russell
format: tutorial